Miles, you are 5 months old today!
Your personality is starting to show and you are just like your daddy; mostly quiet and laid back and a little bit grumpy.
You were giving us a hard time with smiles when taking your picture this month! You weigh 18 pounds now, so your growing has slowed a little bit. You are too big for 3-6 months clothes, but 6-12 month clothes are too big for you still. You wear a lot of footie pajamas in the 9 month size from Carters. We are also doing cloth diapers full time now!
You are teething now, so everything goes straight to your mouth.
You have mastered rolling over from your back to your stomach, but not from stomach to back. You are much better with tummy time now because you can push yourself up. You want to be sitting up all the time. If we prop you up on pillow or put you in the snugamonkey, you lean your head forward and try to sit up. It won't be long before you sit up on your own!
Most of the time you are Mr. Serious.
This is what you do most of the time...roll over! We were trying to take your picture and you kept trying to roll off.
Big eyes!
You met Buzz for the first time in Atlantic Station.
Ben got this picture of you and cousin Lily. Lily loves the baby, but you don't look so sure about things!
Miles and Mattie again. You look huge in this picture! Maybe because I had your pants pulled up too high?!
We had to call the after hours line at your dr office last Friday night. You cried for 1.5 hours and we couldn't calm you down, so we thought we were going to have to take you to the ER. A CHOA nurse called us back and after going through a checklist decided it was your teeth causing you some trouble. We gave you some tylenol and put the lullavibe under your mattress and you finally went to sleep. Saturday morning we went straight to New Baby Products and got you an amber teething necklace and a Sophie the giraffe. You were much happier after that!
You are such a happy baby!
We got you this hat at Hanna Andersson this weekend. You look so cute I can hardly stand it! Your shirt says beyond cute in this picture and I think it describes you perfectly!