Sunday, August 23, 2015

Santa and Pink Pig

We took Miles to visit Santa early in December at Phipps. Last year he was indifferent about Santa. This year was a different story! He was definitely a little freaked out. Ha! Poor kid.

Waiting for our turn with Santa. 

Phipps is so pretty at Christmastime. 

Just for fun, this is Ben's second visit with Santa in 1981. Ben seems to be less stressed about Santa!

We went to ride the Pink Pig the weekend before Christmas. You'd think since we live nearby I would have taken Miles at a down time, but I didn't. We waited in line for an hour or so. Miles was losing his mind toward the end of the wait, but he seemed to enjoy the ride. 

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Miles is 2! Plus a few months...

I can't seem to be a good blogger, but I feel like for my own future reference, I need to post Miles' second birthday memories before I forget. We had his party at our house with lots of friends and family! Miles is very into trains right now, so we had a "choo choo Miles is 2!" party, complete with train tracks in driveway, railroad signs, and a conductor hats for all the kids.

It was so. darn. hot outside, but at least it didn't rain!

A few notes about Miles at age 2: 
Height: 36.75", 98th percentile
Weight 29 lbs: 50th percentile
Favorite foods: Sweet tea, sweet potatoes, grapes, salmon, nuggets, raisins, Willy's 
Favorite things: Playing outside, going to Target, the playground, Crista (our awesome nanny)
Miles still goes to bed by 7-7:30 and sleeps until 7 am. Naps around 1:30 for 1-3 hours. 
Funny words that Miles says: Puggex (Publix), drill (drool), couple days (as in see Papa in a couple days)
Favorite books: Pete the Cat, Llama llama Misses Mama, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site, Pout Pout Fish
Other funny facts: The kid never stops talking. He also rarely stops moving. He hugs and kisses all of his neighbor friends every time he sees them! After we read books and say our prayers, Miles tells me to "rock baby" which means he wants me to rock him like a baby for a minute. 

Small bounce house in the driveway and a cardboard train for coloring. 

Miles with his cousin Janie. 

Miles with cousins Lily and Mattie. 

Miles loves his Mawmaw!

Papa dressed up in costume for the party!

Miles loved having everyone sing Happy Birthday to him. He watched the video frequently on my phone and also sings happy birthday to himself now. 

Miles with his all his neighbor friends. We love our sweet neighbors!

LOVE this little dude. Sometimes when I tell him "I love you," he says "pieces" because I say I love you to pieces. Miles, you make life so much fun!