Monday, February 8, 2010

first day = done! was the first day of my first real job as a speech-language pathologist. It's a little weird to be a for real therapist instead of being an intern. I have my own patients. I have to sign my own papers (which, by the way, is even more strange since I am now Kristen, M. Ed. CF-SLP), I have to write my own goals. It is a completely different experience! Today I got to see three lovely, grouchy old ladies. As grouchy as they are, they absolutely crack me up! They can't remember anything, but they want me to know that they are fine, they don't need any help, and no, they do not want their hearing or hearing aids checked. Ha!

Essential therapy tool for dry erase board! If they can't hear me, hopefully they can see big letters!

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