Sunday, December 15, 2013

Big Week of Firsts!

We have had a big week of firsts around here! Miles started eating food for the first time. His first food was sweet potatoes and he loved them! Ate the whole bowl I made for him. He thinks eating is fun and funny, laughing the whole time. 

He spit a little out at first, but not much at all. I think maybe because he is just over 6 months.

I gave him sweet potatoes for the first few days. Since then, he has also added avocado and banana to his list of foods he eats. He is a big eater! 

He tried his best to grab the spoon and make a mess!

He squeals every time he sees the spoon coming toward him.

The sweet potatoes gave him some tummy troubles the first couple of days, but I think we are over that now.

We also tried to start giving him water in a sippy cup. He's still not too sure about that. 

He enjoys making a mess with the water and teething on the cup more than anything. 

He also sat in a high chair in a restaurant twice this weekend. Once at Chick-a-Biddy and once at Community Q. He's not sitting unsupported quite yet, so we jammed a blanket behind him and he was good. I think he enjoys being able to see what's going on around him. 

We also took him to Waumba Land at church for the first time. I had him all dressed up in his cute Santa outfit, but of course he had a poop blowout, which required an outfit change.  The blowout happened because we had to use disposables for a few days because of a diaper rash and disposables don't contain things like the cloth. At least I remembered a change of clothes! 

Unfortunately, I think he also picked up his first case of a stuffy nose from Waumba Land, too! We have had a rough week of sleeping (or not sleeping) around here. He's doing much better today, though!

Miles is growing up on us!

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