Nothing ever goes as planned, right? We just got to Seaside this evening and will be here for the weekend. Since I knew we would be traveling, I got my oil changed on Monday at Curry Honda, where I always take my car. (And believe me, I have been there plenty, thanks to being hit THREE times.) I got the oil changed, ran a quick errand, and then headed home. Tuesday I did not drive at all because I stayed at home all day and we walked to Melting Pot for dinner for our anniversary. Wednesday, I decided to run up to Chick-fil-A and grab some lunch in the drive-thru to take back home. I had been doing school work on Wednesday morning and had not taken a shower yet. When I went to get lunch, I figured it didn't matter if my hair was a little greasy and my shirt was my too-big pajama shirt because I was just going through the drive-thru.
Anyway, when it is my turn at the speaker in the drive-thru, I roll down my window and hear a car making a loud noise, so I think to myself "man, someone's car does not sound too good." I worried it was mine for a second, and then decided it must have been the van behind me. I was relieved to hear the sound disappear as I pulled around after placing my order, so I figured it was definitely the van. After I get my food, I pull back out onto the road, a VERY BUSY road, mind you, right in the middle of the lunch hour, and call my MIL to thank her for a card. Well, I get to the light, and as I am talking to her, I hear my car making the noise again, and then it started to shake and make some crazy noises, followed by some loud noise that sounded like something large fell out of my car onto the road. I immediately put on my flashers, and hang up the phone. Then this lady (and by lady, I mean Dara Torres/ Jane of the Jungle style, as she had major arm muscles) knocks on my window, tells me to put my car in neutral and she is going to push it into the parking lot across the street. Meanwhile, I am thinking that of course this happens to me when I have not taken a shower, not even brushed my hair, and I have my pajama tshirt on. I say ok, as the man in the car behind her jumps out, proceeds to block the crazy oncoming traffic so that Jane can push me across the street. Once I got in the parking lot, the nice man had me open the hood, and then he told me that the belt on the alternator had come of, so I needed to have it towed somewhere. The nice people left me then, and I called AAA to come get my car. Thank goodness for AAA! The tow man was there in less than 30 minutes, as was my other MIL to pick me up and take me home. During this 30 minutes, I sat in my car, turned off, and in the sun, meaning I got all nasty sweaty, making me look oh so pretty on top of everything else.
The end of the story is not quite so exciting. AAA towed my car to the dealership for only $35. We were a little stressed about not having the car to drive to the beach today and had made other car plans thinking that my car had some major damage that would cost lots of money and definitely take more than a day to repair. As it turns out, the nice man at Curry Honda called this morning and said that the car was fixed, there was no major damage, and we could come pick it up in 30 minutes. So we head up there, luggage and everything, go in to pick up the car, and do you know what? IT WAS FREE! How great is that?! I'm not sure why it was free, but I don't care.
So we made it to the beach today, despite the craziness with the car. Our room here is very pretty, the beach is gorgeous, and we are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. But we miss our weenies!