Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Picked A Good One!

This morning on the radio they were talking about Forbes top-paying jobs for women. Guess what was number 9? Speech-language pathologist! I was pretty excited by that, so much so that I had to call Ben and tell him. I think it is a great job, but it is interesting that it made Forbes list. However, the only problem I found is the salary that they report for SLPs. It is a bit high, but SLPs get paid less in this part of the country. 

The article is an interesting read as well. You can check it out here. According to the article, a pay-gap still  exists, with women earning about 80% of what men earn. I'm surprised that the gap is still as high as 20%. 

Anyway, I'm glad I decided to be a SLP! And on that note, I will leave you with a quote from one of my patients.

Me: Can I sit here?
Patient: Anywhere but on my head!

1 comment:

  1. Go SLP's! Not only is the salary good but you will never have trouble finding a job, especially you!
