Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Laundry Services Available

Cleo needed an escape from the constant Eleanor attacks, so I picked her up while I was folding Ben's clothes. She LOVES laundry, especially Ben's shirts and underwear. I put her in the dryer with Ben's clothes. She is so cute!

Side note - I am watching American Idol from tonight, and is it just me, or does Paula look especially strung out tonight? Maybe that is why she has all that glitter around her eyes.

The time change did not go so well for the weenies this weekend. They did not want to go to bed an hour earlier. Instead, they stayed up for an extra couple of hours. Eleanor was especially bad, and we threatened taking her back to the mountains multiple times.

Cleo says she is available for laundry services, so just let her know. 


  1. cleo is too cute! and as for paula, i didn't watch but i've heard several people say the same thing.

    i had a difficult with the time change as well...waking up when it's dark outside is no fun! and hang in there with eleanor...second children always give you the most problems! :-)
